Creative Process

I guide teams with a design-thinking process to problem solve with purpose, agility, creativity, and resourcefulness to deliver the best visual solutions.

Understand the goal

Determine the problem by identifying and empathizing with user pain points. Conduct thoughtful and thorough competitive research. Continually ask “Why?”

Tell authentic stories

Share genuine human stories that resonate with depth, joy and meaning. With an eye for great content, mine stories that are response-evoking. Move people to think, feel, share, and act.


Playfully take risks and curiously experiment. Ask questions that disrupt the status-quo. Co-innovate with folks from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. Enjoy the rumble.

Execute thoughtfully

With a data-inspired mindset, execute deliverables with thoughtful design, creative resourcefulness, a clear brand voice, and polished quality. Collaborate with marketing to launch with a smart go-to-market plan.

Develop visual strategy

Craft solutions with a thoughtful creative strategy. Curate ideas that will have the most impact. Find true balance between business goals and brand identity.

Learn and hone

With a low-ego, nimble, yet driven mindset, learn from challenges, iterate, and improve. It is important to know when to pivot and how to problem solve with purpose. Be unafraid to fail and more afraid not to try.

Leadership Approach

I believe a positive culture is crucial in how creative ideas can be meaningfully executed.

Take stock and listen

With openness, learn about the team, culture, workflow and cross-departmental partnerships. Observe team strengths as well as pain points and challenges. Synthesize findings.

Reduce friction

Set up design systems and clear workflows for communication and project execution that reduce friction and create flow. Foster a positive, consistent, and fun culture that enables team members to freely perform at their best.

Build trust

Build relationships, form key collaborative partnerships, and prioritize the business’ most important resource—its humans. Make space and time to support folks; set them up for success. Follow through with consistency and reliability.

Develop and grow

Pinpoint areas of growth and build opportunities for evolution. Create spaces for continued learning and research. Earnestly mentor and coach with frequent 1-on-1 times and clear growth plans. Celebrate originality and support the team with what they need to flourish.

Honest, generous feedback

Being clear is being kind. Provide honest, straightforward feedback that brings clarity and growth. Invite mutual feedback from anyone. With generous leadership, assume the most generous thing about folks’ words, intentions and behaviors as a starting point.

Set strategic vision

Share a genuine vision-setting passion that sets the tone for the team. Understand larger brand growth goals and provide actionable, strategic solutions based on the needs of various teams. Build consensual buy-in for the vision.